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So excited for this!

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Congratulations Emily! As a longtime reader (who admittedly still pops over to the blog to monitor for any new content/peruse earlier posts) and supporter of C&C (love my Lavune candles!) I'm so excited for this new chapter! SO looking forward to your return to sharing 'the little things that are actually big things' - because therein lies life! Congrats again! <3

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Thank you so much for doing this! Excited to join the club.

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One of the reasons I’ve always enjoyed your content is “the little things that actually are the big things”. The older I get the more this rings true. I look forward your sharing more in this space ❤️

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I have been following you ever since I googled what an "influencer" was and realized that you were the "face" of the Cupcakes and Cashmere navy blue blazer I had purchased from Shopbop. I have been following and loving your content for so long, second only to Cup of Jo! SO EXCITED!

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Jun 20Liked by Emily Schuman

As a follower from 2008, I was so sad to see the blog go! But I’m so excited for this new platform!

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Jun 20Liked by Emily Schuman

I can’t believe it’s been 16 years since C&C started. Since day one, you’ve been like this digital big sister and guide. Thank you! Excited for this new project

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That’s the sweetest, thank you! x

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Jun 20Liked by Emily Schuman


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That’s the goal!!! 🙌

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Jun 20Liked by Emily Schuman

I’m so so excited about this! 💛✨

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Thank you so much!!!

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